Monday, January 16, 2012


Sometimes, we have people tell us that they don't use coupons or sign up for freebies because "it's just far too much work for such little real return."

Well, I'm happy to tell you, that sentiment is wrong. There are HUGE savings to be had from couponing and from signing up for freebies. Marnie will post some of the dollar savings in a future post, but imagine having a food and toiletries and house hold items budget drop from about $450 - $600 a month (2 people with special dietary restrictions) to an average of less than $150 a month. And one month we came in at almost the $100 level. That's the equivalent in savings to working a part time job.

And those freebies? Look at this:

The gallon jugs are going online for about $50.00ea, the Family Reserve 5oz bottles for $25.00 and the mini 6-packs for $8.00. Total value: $164.00. How much did we pay? With shipping and handling, we paid $0.00. Yep, NOTHING! All we did was follow a promotion from Tabasco online. 

Deals like this are special, sure. But, as our FFS posts show, we are receiving between $10 to $20 of freebies (merch or coupons) a week. Every week. And the free things or coupons for free things aren't always small sample sizes. More often than not, they are for full sized products.

Yes, like anything worthwhile, it does take some work. But not hard work. And not a lot of time. Being frugal and value conscious helps out in other areas, too, not just shopping. It helps keep one's eye simple. It trains us to be content. And it makes a person feel good knowing they've done something beneficial.

Keep saving! And keep feeling good about being a savvy shopper.

Mr. Arama

1 comment:

  1. FYI, Tabasco is a staple at my table. Has been for 40 years. So, the freebie bonanza will get used. Every drop!

    -Mr A


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