Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Would you like to make a little extra money?  

You can sign up and do surveys on line.  I am listing the ones I know are legit and good.  If you want to check out more try  This site will let you know all about the different sites and also Secret Shopping.  

The trick is to sign up for as many as you can and then you are doing survey's all the time and it adds up and before you know it you have lots of money coming in. We have done very well. Last month we made $53.

Here's the list:

Great survey's and you can collect your points quickly 1100 pts you receive $10 gift card

Surveys are a little long and takes awhile to get point built up, but you get $25 for 65,000 points.

My fave!! Quickly you get points doing survey's and surfing the net.  You get 30 pts just for signing up. 450 pts get's you an Amazon card. Most of the survey's are easy and fast. 

Love these survey's. But you don't get very many of them, but you get great points when you do.  $5,000 pit gives you $5

Easy fun survey's. Instead of get points you collect $$. When you reach your $20 you get to collect.

They willl pay you as you do the survey's!!!! Great site and legit.  Only one person in the household can sign up. We have already receive over $10 with them. They will send you product to sample!! 

Great Site. Already got my points but waiting so I can get a larger amount for less points. 3500 pts  you get $5, but 6750 pts you get $10

I heard they are good.  Some of their jobs though require a Smart Phone

Happy Surveying !!
Marnie Ann

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