Monday, July 23, 2012

TIP OF THE WEEK!! How to save on Back to School ...

There are 3 Keys to Saving Money During Back to School Shopping:

1. Start Shopping Early – Now is the time to figure out what you need and start watching the sales. I have a new Back to School 2012 Page set up for you to watch all of the best deals each week at all of the stores. You can create your shopping list directly from this page and add in any additional items you want to pick up from the sales that week. This week I only grabbed the really great deals or Free Items because I know that some of the other “Sale” Items will actually drop much lower than the current prices. By shopping early I can take advantage of all the best deals each week and by the time school rolls around I’ll have most of everything that I need.

2. Only Buy What You Need – I am preaching to the Choir here, because School Supplies and Office Supplies are my weakness, I could easily grab ALL of the cheap items each week and end up spending more than I needed. Try sticking to just what you need and maybe a few extra items of the Penny Items for Operation Christmas Child or other Donation Items, but resist the urge to buy 25 Calculators that won’t get used.

3. Use what You Have First – If you are an avid couponer you probably have some of the items you need already on hand. I have noticed the last few years that items like Ziploc Bags, Clorox Wipes and Kleenex are often on School Supply Lists. Take a look in your stockpile and see if you have any of the items you need. Set those aside for your School Supply Lists, by using what you have on hand you allow yourself to wait for another great sale to replenish your stockpile and you can avoid paying more than needed for some of these basic items.
I know it can be really hard to imagine the kids going back to school and work up the urge to go shopping, but I can promise you that by starting early and developing a plan you will save so much money on all of the items that you need this year.

Don’t miss the Back to School 2012 Deals Page to see all of this week’s Best Prices!

Thank you to Passion for Savings!

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