Tuesday, January 10, 2012


This came in my inbox the other day from Deal Dectecting Diva. I thought I would share this with the readers. This is a quote and not the new policy.  I haven't seen the new policy yet.

"As many of you know, I work very closely with the team at the Homeland store in Haysville, KS.  Homeland stores are only in Oklahoma and this one store in Kansas.  They are all the same company, so I'm not sure if the information I received this afternoon is a corporate-wide change, or only in our Haysville store.  I will definitely be keeping my ears open for corporate news. 

Some coupon shoppers have been redeeming copied coupons at our store.  (I really hope it's not one of you!)  As of tomorrow 1/7, Homeland will only be accepting coupons printed using color ink.  Some coupons do print with a clause to the retailer, something to the effect of "coupons may appear in color or in black and white ink".  Remember, it is always up to the store as to which coupons they will accept and which they reject.  They don't have to take any of our coupons. 

There are two coupons in particular that were being copied multiple times and redeemed at our Homeland this week.  I won't tell you which coupons, as that seems irrelevant at this point.  I realize that some couponers do not realize that copying coupons is illegal, so I will tell you this: it affects everyone.  (And it really stinks when coupon policies get changed because of it!)

I have posted many times about misuse of coupons, from intentional fraud to copying coupons and how the new GS1 Data Bar Codes are going to help cut down on intentional coupon fraud.  I've also posted about all of the benefits of using coupons.  I don't know about you all, but I don't want to lose that!

Our Haysville store (I'm assuming corporate-wide) will also no longer be accepting any coupons that have ANY mention of another store.  They have been gladly accepting the Dillons Home Mailer coupons and other coupons with another store's logo, but they will no longer be doing so.

The bottom line is: Stores accepting coupons is a benefit.  They have the right to take it away at any point.  As I said, I really hope it's not one of my readers.  If it is, I don't want to know who, I just want it to stop.

I do work (my real job) at a digital printing company. I am going to make a color copy of a color coupon and take it in for them to see as a reference (voided of course!).  I want them to know that it will most likely be obvious that the coupon has been copied.

I have been and will continue to work very closely with the Homeland team to try and get this issue resolved.  I'm hoping that with some further training regarding the detection of a copied coupon, we can resume couponing as usual.  Don't worry, I'll keep you posted!"

Marnie Ann

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