Sunday, December 15, 2013


 My canned vegetables, rice and noodles were FREE.  I estimated fresh veggies and pork since we haven't gone to B4less yet.  It will be FREE for us since we have a $10 gift card to use for the Coupon Class we attended last week!

SUNDAY: Chicken Enchilada Casserole

MONDAY: French Bread Veggie Pizza* w/Salad
$1.25  GF crust $1.24 1/4"

TUESDAY: Chicken N Dumplings+ Mixed Veggies

WEDNESDAY: Leftovers night-freezer item or refrigerated

THURSDAY: Veggie Pasta w/Salad GF noodles*

FRIDAY: Turkey Meatloaf, baked potato and corn

SATURDAY: Sesame Pork Ribs with Rice and Baked Beans

Total for the Week:  $5.86

And for Desert!!

Yummy Fruit Salad
$2.00 Includes one item of fresh fruit and three cans of fruit.

*I purchase the GF pizza crust at Homeland.  You can also use corn tortilla.
 * I have been getting my noodles at Homeland for $.49 a box!!

#I have been getting the rice crackers (GF and SF) at Homeland for $.50 each.  So I will be have cheese and crackers with my soup.

+I make my dumplings with Bella GF baking mix.

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