Thursday, August 29, 2013

Updates for Marnie Ann as of Aug 29, 2013


We are back from Dallas and her first "procedure" is done. A bad leg vein is 
blocked and it was a complete success. The MRI showed definite PCS, so the next procedure 
is going to  happen in Oct to take care of that. The DRs are thinking this will end a lot 
of the P.O.T.S. symptoms, tho she still may have slight blood pooling and fatigue issues. 
The lung DR is treating her as well and that is going well.

All encouraging contact is and has been greatly appreciated, as these 
procedures/operations are quite serious, even tho the results are positive. Her personal 
email is and the    home phone is 405-413-5616. You can also 
find her on facebook as Marnie Ann Harker. 

Thanks go out to all who have so lovingly supported both of us with calls, texts, visits, 
e-mails, cards, flowers, and even some awesomely wonderful practical assistance (you know 
who you are). Seriously, Thank you.

-Steve and Marnie Ann Harker

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