Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ALDI 6-22 to 6-28

  • Tip: Aldi's does not provide bags. So bring your own grocery bags.  The cart's are $.25, but when you return the cart, you get the $.25 back.  Items are available while supplies last.

WHOO HOO!  Aldi's has some pretty good deals this week. YUM YUM fruit!

$.25 each Plums
$.29 each Nectarines or Peaches
$.79 each Cantaloupes
$.99 1 lb Strawberries
$.99-$1.49 Benton Cookies
$.69 Hamburger or Hot dog buns
$2.69-2.99 lb Natural Hamburger Beef
$1.19 Parkview Jumbo Hot dogs
$2.69 Happy Farms sliced cheese-8oz
.69 Frozen Lemonade

Now just pick up the Watermelon at Homeland and you have a great fruit salad!

Happy Aldi shopping!!

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