Friday, September 13, 2013

Colorado Flooding

If you are watching the news or seeing stories online, you know that the flooding situation up there is critical. 

One thing to keep in mind is that, after all the flooding is gone, roads and bridges will need to be cleared or repaired before many people along the Front Range will be able to go back to work.

That lack of work time will affect family budgets for many.

If you know anyone up there, you might think of sending a care package to them. Anything non perishable could be sent. Be sure to check Postal regulations before sending certain types of items. is the site to use for that.

We are sending some of our stocked up household items to my brother's family in Fort Collins. We saved so much when purchasing these things for our own supply that it is really a small thing for us to share now.

We are doing this on our own, NOT organizing or sponsoring any other efforts. Check your supplies, things you were able to stock up because of frugal shopping, and see if you are able to assist someone you know.

Also, there will be organizations sponsoring relief efforts, even as we speak, so you can help that way, too.

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